Financial and physical space to regroup

The reality for most cancer families is that one or both parents have to give up work. The journey is rife with unknowns, one of the most stressful of which is the financial. After our little Jack died we felt like nearly all supports were cut off overnight, with the exception of some contributions to funeral costs. This seemed like another terrible blow - because who can face the prospect of going back to work immediately after the death of their child? For us, it felt like walking off a precipice into a void.

We offer bereaved families financial support in paying some of those bills that they are struggling to pay, whether it’s because mum can’t summon the strength to go back to work yet, or because dad needed weeks of unpaid leave whilst their little one was dying.

Soon afterJack died, someone offered us a one week stay in a holiday home. We went for our other two boys, for a change of scenery. It turned out to be so deeply and profoundly what everyone needed. It allowed us to regroup, and offered a distraction for the kids from the sadness and the heaviness.

We are also now able to offer the use of a holiday home as a grief retreat (being a week of free accommodation in a holiday house, currently homes are only in NSW) to bereaved cancer families.

Please see the tab for Family Retreat on the home page for more details.

Are you a bereaved cancer family?

We are in the position to start offering some financial support to families in Australia who have lost their child to cancer.

Please get in touch with us if you’re struggling to pay some bills, and we will see how we can help now, and in the future 💛

do you have a holiday home in australia?

We would love to give bereaved families a one week grief retreat. We know firsthand how much that can help.

We are exploring the possibility that members of the community may be happy to donate a free week at their holiday home to bereaved cancer families.

If you have a holiday home, and would be up for providing a free week to a bereaved family, please get in contact with us. We are still working through how insurances and cleaning etc would work, but we would love to hear from your regardless.